Monday, January 31, 2011

Bridal Progress

I had a post sometime ago about Operation Hot Body. Well I am happy to report, because of all of Apple's amazing apps, I have lost 7lbs since Christmas! Woo hoo!

Some of the things, I've been doing:
  • focusing on the wedding and the wedding dress!
  • used an app called MyFitnessPal, which also has a website, to track my calorie consumption. It took me a little while to adjust to 1200 calories a day, but now, it doesn't seem that hard (as long as I work out).
  • Watching what I'm eating and packing healthy snacks. For treats, I've packed my office with 100 calorie snack packs.
  • got my gym membership back and started going to the gym 5 days a week during my lunch to get at least 30 minutes of cardio.
  • started using an app called Nike Training Club to really push myself at home. I initially did this on days that I didn't go to the gym, but recently started doing them in the evening so that my gym time is completely dedicated to burning off calories through cardio, and I strengthen and tone at home. I've also did one of their work outs when one of the workout rooms was free to really ramp up.
  • increased my water consumption by buying a pretty Sigg bottle and downloading the matching app. 2L a day is now my norm. 
  • Isabela and I are having dance parties in our living room. 20 minutes of dancing burns 92 calories (sometimes I jog in the spot, or pedal background or do walking lunges). The hard part is keeping up with my little girl!
I still have some pounds to go, and definitely lots of toning to do now, too.  And then the hard part... maintenance, ESPECIALLY during the summer months. But we vowed to be the active family. Getting back into jogging, taking walks together and more playing in the park. Summer time I am enrolling Isabela in Little Kickers soccer classes, so we'll be running after her I'm sure.

Rodney's P90x-ing it and started running, yes, in this winter weather. He's even more of a maniac, since he gets up at 4:00am to squeeze in these workouts before work.

Thank you to everyone that has been so supportive with my goals. And maybe its the endorphins but I'm like happy and in a good mood all the time. Cheers (with water) to all the brides getting in shape before their wedding!

Calorie Counter
MyFitnessPal - Free Calorie Counter

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