Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Another Birthday - More to Come

On November 29th, my partner turned 27, which made me realize that when we started dating when he was 23. We were still kids at that age! Just thinking how much he - we - have grown is so incredible.

Rodney and I met in Montreal. After graduating from University, I worked full time on campus, but still had time to pursue other interests. I was a member of Filipino community organization and had attended a human rights in the Philippines event in Europe, so was sponsored to go to Montreal to speak on the event. Rodney was also a member of the Filipino community organization that had sponsored me to speak. He actually wasn't there to hear me speak because he was working, but also in the evening he had spent some time with a Filipino youth who had been involved in drugs and recently quit. Rodney was keeping him company to support him and keep him from going back. Very honorable if you ask me.

Anyways, when we started dating our Philippine heritage was a big part of our discussion. We had really significant and deep conversations about politics and theory, which is incredible considering both of our backgrounds. So we fell in love and yadda yadda.

(I think technically we weren't dating yet when we took this picture)

We've been living together for three years and have a beautiful daughter, that .. I don't know.. I kind of feel silly writing about our love now. It's so real to us. He's the best I ever had.

I've never been with someone that thought struggling things out together made us stronger. I've been with someone that was so clear about everything, that wanted to discuss everything, think about everything that we could be the best together. I've never been with someone that was so honest and so raw, that I could really be myself. We love each other so deeply, that its hard to believe because you'd think it was corny or unrealistic.

When our daughter was born, it was obviously a new chapter in our lives but it was true test of who we were as a couple. When she was born, we had only been together a little over a year. We used to have so many people in our lives, but when the baby was born that all changed. The picture above is from my baby shower, it was huge and fun and it made me excited to what was to come. Today, not a single person in that picture, and the majority that came to the shower, are still in our lives. Our parents live so far away that when it came to support - even to just have someone watch the baby so I can shower - was few and far between. There was alot of stress and alot of adjustment, so it really put us in a position to adjust to each others needs, grow as parents, and become a pillar for each other during this crazy time. Thinking back now, it probably did our relationship a world of good, just being the two of us, but I would not recommend anyone that is having a baby to do what we did. We're really special, and having a baby alone would take a lot of strength.

After everything we went through, this wedding is going to mean so much to us. We are so in love and so happy in our family. We can't wait for the big day.

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